A website that uses the .gov.ng extension, belongs to an official government organization in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This extension is reserved for use by government agencies, ministries, departments, etc. It serves as a unique identifier that distinguishes government websites from other non-governmental websites.
Secure .gov.ng websites use HTTPS
A lock (🔒) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov.ng website. Secure .gov.ng websites use HTTPS to protect sensitive information. HTTPS is a protocol that encrypts data between your browser and the website you are visiting, This encryption ensures that any data transmitted are kept confidential.
Joshua K. Luka FCA was born on 2nd May 1967 in Kurum Village, Bogoro LGA of Bauchi State, Nigeria. He attended Bogoro Primary School Bauchi State, 1975-1980; King’s College Lagos,…